11tyThe possum is Eleventy’s mascot

Eleventy Documentation

This is an older version of Eleventy. Full release history. Go to the newest Eleventy docs. You could try /docs/pages-from-data/ although it may not exist.

Create Pages From Data #

While it can be confusing for beginners to Eleventy to learn this, but the Pagination feature is used for iterating over any data to create multiple output files.

Pagination can be used for traditional style pagination outputs like /result/page-0/, /result/page-1/. Pagination can also iterate over an object too and output any permalink value!

An Example #

Let's look at an example where we dynamically build pages based on data from a json file. First let's consider this simple data file stores in _data\possums.json:

"name":"Lord Featherbottom",

In order to create one page per possum, we can use the following template. The file name isn’t important, but the file extension is (e.g. possum-pages.liquid or possum-pages.njk).

data: possums
size: 1
alias: possum
permalink: "possums/{{ possum.name | slug }}/"

{{ possum.name }} is {{ possum.age }} years old

This template will generate four files, one for each possum, where the filename is based on the possum's name passed through the slug function. As possums are added and edited the resultant possum details page will be updated automatically.

Other pages in Working with Templates: